Using Help


The help system can answer many of your question as you use AdjustRite.

Throughout the AdjustRite system you will see the (help) symbol, positioned on the top/right corner of each page. Point at the help symbol and it will turn green. Just click on the green to access help information about that screen of AdjustRite. Help content will always display in a new window, so you can just close the help window, when you are finished with it, and return to your current AdjustRite page.

Click on the AdjustRite logo on the top left of each page to see the table of contents for the help system. Each screen of the system is listed here, with the icon indicating the system has a help page for that screen. The icon will appear if a tutorial also exists for that screen. Click on the icons to see the help page or to run the tutorial.

Detail Instructions

All help pages are organized into three parts.

  • The heading section has the AdjustRite Logo and a Title.
    • Click on the AdjustRite logo to go to the table of contents for the help system. This feature is disabled for help screens accessed from the login screen, but is enabled for all help screens after you have logged in.
    • The title identifies the help topic of each page.
  • Summary information is presented for the topic selected. This will help you to make sure this is the page you want and when appropriate, will give a brief answer or instructions. There will be an icon in the summary section when there is a tutorial for the subject covered by the help page.
  • Detail Instructions provide detail information about each topic, including explanations, checklists and screen shots. Links to other pages will be included when appropriate. Just click on those links to read those related help pages.

All help pages are designed to be "printer friendly", so you can print them from internet explorer. Just click on the printer icon at the top of your internet explorer screen. You can also print by selecting the File drop down menu at the top left of Internet Explorer and then select the Print option.