Detail Instructions
When you first go to this screen you will see only a link to "Add an Image". Click on this link to launch a pop up window for adding images to your estimate. You can enter the full path for images you want to add, such as "c:\userdate\BobA\My Pictures\unit#23-234_fender.jpg". If you prefer, you can just click on the Browse button and navigate through your hard disk to where you have saved the pictures for this truck. You may also add a description to attach to this picture. The description will print to the right of the image on the Images screen and will print beside the picture on the Photo's version of the Estimate report. AdjustRite will remember the directory you last used to add images, so if your browsing for them is easy if you store them in the same group of folders on your computer.
All pictures added to an estimate will display on the Images screen. They will all display as "thumbnails" at only a fraction of their total size, so that several can be displayed on the same screen. To see an expanded size version of the each picture, just click on the "thumbnail" photo.
A "Remove" button appears to the left of each image. Just click on the button to remove the image from the estimate. This does not remove the picture from your computer, but only from the active estimate. You can add and remove images from any open estimate.
Please note that if you have deleted a truck picture from your computer, you will not be able to add it back to the estimate. Make sure you don't need pictures any more before you delete them.
You should use an organized method of storing your estimate photo's if you intend to keep a large number of photo's on your computer. For example you can create folders in your "My Photos" directory on your computer for each estimate. the folders can be named for the RO# or the unit number for example. This will make it