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Overview of AdjustRite

AdjustRite is a one-of-a-kind estimating system specifically designed for the commercial truck market. The system's automated features dramatically reduce the time it takes to write a professional, error-free estimate. Not only does the AdjustRite system virtually eliminate the chance of errors, it also improves overall shop cycle-time and productivity. One of the system's most unique features is the use of the actual truck model information. AdjustRite's advanced technology is capable of producing accurate, detailed estimates based on a sophisticated database, compiled from truck parts and repair data. AdjustRite is the first and only program that takes into consideration the overall repair process, including the associated parts and labor needed for a repair.

Who would need AdjustRite?

AdjustRite is for commercial truck dealers, independent collision repair facilities, and any facility involved in heavy-duty truck repairs.

Why AdjustRite is so different

In addition to being specifically designed for the commercial truck market, AdjustRite has sophisticated estimating logic! It is that simple. Well... not really. PPG developed the logic behind the system, and it took a great deal of effort to put together the pieces of the puzzle that make this application like no other. AdjustRite helps estimators select the correct parts, and then provides necessary repair and refinish labor, along with additional operations that may be overlooked. The built-in logic also considers procedural requirements such as overhaul, overlap, and included operations, making needed additions and deductions to ensure that the estimate is as accurate and fair as possible. Finally, precise calculations are provided with the push of a button.

Benefits to a fleet repair shop

Estimating systems are a standard in the automotive market, but virtually nonexistent in the fleet market. Many shops use manual or "homegrown" systems to create and organize estimate information. AdjustRite is a professionally developed and maintained estimating system that utilizes proprietary logic and the latest in Internet technology. The benefits are numerous and will have a direct, positive impact in any fleet repair facility. These benefits include:

  • Standardizing and improving the overall estimating process
  • Gaining a professional advantage in the market
  • Increasing productivity and efficiency
  • Eliminating non-value-added shop activities
  • Providing an estimating training tool
  • Creating professional documentation for customers and insurance purposes
  • Providing a filing system to retrieve and organize information
  • Reducing time needed to create estimates
  • Improving profitability with dollars captured on each estimate


How does AdjustRite work?

AdjustRite is a web-based application. By simply accessing the Internet, you are on your way to using the system. All data and information to produce an accurate estimate is housed on a secure server. There are no discs to fumble with or hardware to install. You have easy access from your operating system at any location with an internet connection.

What does "logic" mean?

The logic developed as the core of AdjustRite is what truly makes this like no other system. When you pick a specific part or item, AdjustRite considers its relationship to other items and work functions. For example: If you select a replacement fender, the system will automatically add the fender adhesive, apply time to aim the lamps, calculate refinish and blend time, add for hazardous waste disposal, include a truck cover, calculate your shop supplies, and add the paint materials. Two-stage or three-stage paint is also applied when the option is selected. AdjustRite takes the guesswork out of the tasks that must be performed to get the unit repaired, and it provides a well-documented, accurate estimate.

What other functions does AdjustRite perform?

AdjustRite is not only an efficient estimating solution; it goes above and beyond with additional features that help get the total job done, including:

  • Handles multiple supplements including parts price increases
  • Generates parts lists with part number ordering forms
  • Automates the final billing
  • Generates internal shop worksheets
  • Includes automated towing and storage billing with automatic lookup
  • Provides estimators the ability to incorporate digital truck damage pictures
  • into the actual estimate
  • Allows estimators to save and e-mail the estimate and photos

Is AdjustRite difficult to use?

AdjustRite is very user friendly. We understand that our users do not want to spend their time looking at a computer. PPG created AdjustRite to help you be where you need to be -- in the repair shop fixing a unit and not spending hours preparing estimates. AdjustRite employs friendly screens that guide you through each step of the estimate process. Point and click functionality helps you navigate to specific functions. If you do have a question or need some guidance, a HELP button is just a click away. For issues requiring more assistance, we offer a toll free help line. Just call (888) 774-0017 and a trained customer service representative will be happy to help you.


What type of computer do I need?

Computer/Processor Computer with a Pentium II processor or higher
Operating System Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition, Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows XP
Memory 64 MB of RAM
Display 1024 x 768 or higher resolution monitor with 256 colors
Peripherals Broadband connection; Mouse
Software Internet Explorer 6.0 or above with Javascript & Cookies enabled and Adobe Reader
Computer/Processor Computer with a Pentium III processor or higher
Operating System Microsoft Windows 98 Second Edition, Microsoft Windows 2000 or Microsoft Windows XP
Memory 256 MB of RAM
Display 1024 x 768 or higher resolution monitor with 256 colors
Peripherals Broadband connection; Mouse
Software Internet Explorer 6.0 or above with Javascript & Cookies enabled, Adobe Reader and Flash Player

What type of Internet access/browser do I need?

High speed ISDN, DSL or Cable/Broadband Internet access is preferable. Dial-up access can be used but is much slower. The use of Microsoft Internet Explorer is required; we do not support Firefox at this time.

Does it take a long time to download information from the Internet?

AdjustRite is similar in speed to any other Internet-based program. The better the connection, the better your accessibility speed.

Can I access it from my laptop?

You can access AdjustRite by entering your username and password at any computer with an internet connection, including desktops or laptops.


Once an estimate is created where are the documents stored?

All documents are kept on a secure server and stored with your specific account information. When you log-on to the system, your documents and work history are available for viewing, downloading, and printing.

When and where can I access my documents?

You can access documents from any location, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, as long as access to the Internet is available.

Are my documents secured?

Documents are stored on a state-of-the-art, multi-tier secure server. The system is backed up on a regular basis, insuring the protection of your data.

Can anyone else see them?

No other shop or individual has access to your account and your estimates.

Will I lose my estimates if I do not save them? What if my power goes out?

Your data gets saved in multiple ways on AdjustRite. As soon as you leave one screen to enter the next, your information is saved. When creating an estimate, your information is automatically saved every time you complete the editing of a row. You can also save data at any time by clicking on the Save key. These features significantly reduce the amount of data that could be lost due to an interruption of power or should you unexpectedly lose your Internet connection.


What documents can be printed from the system?

  • Clear and legible repair estimates with pictures
  • Supplement information
  • Shop internal worksheet
  • Parts lists with part/ordering numbers
  • Tow bill document
  • Monthly sales by customer

Can I save an estimate to my computer?

All documents are provided in a PDF format that can be saved to your computer as needed. But remember that the documents are also housed on the server, under your account, for future access.

Can I email a document or an estimate to someone?

Once the PDF is saved on your computer, it can be printed or emailed to your customer as an attachment.

What is a PDF?

PDF stands for Portable Document Format, which can be equated to an electronic photocopy. Developed by Adobe Software, it allows images and text to be combined together for high-resolution multiple platform viewing and is the standard for electronic document distribution. Files saved in PDF format can be viewed using the Adobe plug-in, Adobe Acrobat Reader. If you do not already have Adobe Acrobat Reader on your computer, you can download it FREE at

Can the PDF contain our shop logo, address and contact information?

AdjustRite allows you to customize your shop template with your logo and contact information. Once the estimate and other work documents are printed, they will have the look and feel of your shop.

Can I add pictures?

Pictures can easily be added and we encourage you to utilize this powerful feature. Pictures are vital to conveying the most information possible and can assist with getting estimates approved.

Can I make changes to my estimate?

While working on an estimate, items may be added, changed or deleted as many times as needed. However, once an estimate has been locked the document can no longer be unlocked or edited. Of course, supplements to the original estimate can be written as needed, to capture any revisions that are required subsequent to locking .

Is there a limited amount of lines per estimate?

An unlimited number of lines are granted per estimate. The user also has the ability to manually add an unlimited number of custom lines.

Can I write supplements? How many?

Once an estimate is locked , any number of supplements can be created with full tracking of additions, edits, and deletions. The program will also recalculate the total repair after the supplements are added.


Where does the data come from?

AdjustRite data comes from studying and documenting detailed parts information from different makes and models of trucks, in addition to historical references from past vehicle repairs. PPG has developed its own technology that captures this information in order to produce the estimate.

What type of truck data is part of AdjustRite?

A variety of vehicles are available from Class 8 manufacturers to box trucks. AdjustRite focuses on the most popular makes and models (based on research in the heavy-duty truck collision industry). The AdjustRite database of trucks is upgraded on an ongoing basis.

What vehicle information is included in the data?

Model specific data consisting of flat-rate times for replacement and refinish labor, add-on operations, underside and edging are provided. AdjustRite does not provide a price for each part, since pricing varies greatly by vendor and geography. The system does however have two unique pricing options to address the parts pricing issue.

  • AdjustRite remembers the last price you entered for a specific part. This last price will be saved and automatically populated into the price field the next time you choose that specific part in an estimate. You can, of course, change this price should you need to, and AdjustRite will remember that as well.
  • AdjustRite has a Global Pricing option. The Global Price is the average price that has been entered into the system for a specific part by all AdjustRite subscribers. In order to protect individual user's privacy and to ensure a good average price, the system does not factor in prices of zero, excludes the extreme high & low price in the total, and will not provide a Global Price if not enough data points are available for a given part. This is done in a way that no specific price data can ever be traced back to an individual subscriber.

Can I modify the information?

While labor times are automatically inserted for many operations, the system does allow for such items to be altered.

Can I include my own shop cost information per customer estimate?

Pre-defined rate profiles can be stored for use on an estimate as part of the shop setup process. If there are specific changes to the rates for an estimate, the pre-defined values can be changed. Other items such as hazardous waste, shop supplies, paint, and materials can also be preset and calculated for each estimate.

How is the data updated?

As additional data is acquired and added to the AdjustRite database, the information becomes available to the user community. This is a seamless update that does not affect any of your previous estimates. AdjustRite is in a constant update mode to ensure that you get as much information as possible.

I do not see the vehicle for which I need to do an estimate. Can I still use the system?

You still can use the system. AdjustRite has generic models to assist with these situations. These models represent the general makeup of the vehicle.


How much does it cost?

You can purchase AdjustRite based on your estimate writing needs. An annual, unlimited use purchase option is available, or you can select from a variety of packages that allow you to buy as few or as many estimates that you need for your operations. Please refer to or call Customer Service (888) 774-0017 to determine pricing details.

How can I pay for AdjustRite?

To make payment simple and easy, the use of credit cards is employed. The credit card information is required during the registration process. Credit card information is entered at a secure site.

What are estimate packages?

Different purchase packages are available based upon your estimating needs. For those not writing as many estimates, you can buy a smaller grouping. Those that need more estimates can buy a larger quantity. You can also purchase an annual, unlimited use package.

Does the cost per estimate get less expensive as I buy more?

Yes. Each package has its benefits. With a smaller package you can get onto the system with minimal cost investment. With the larger packages, a savings is realized due to the larger number of estimates purchased up front.

How do I renew my subscription?

The system will alert you when the number of estimates you purchased is running low or your annual subscription is getting ready to expire. To renew, simply go to, select the subscription or estimate packet option that is right for you, pay with a credit card and you may continue to write estimates uninterrupted.

Am I charged for supplements?

No, supplements are part of your estimates. If you write an estimate and need a supplement to that estimate, you are not charged for it.

What do I do if I my company has multiple locations?

AdjustRite's architecture is set up to handle multiple sites. Each location is set up using its own address, but it is tied to the home office location. Each location also has its own end users as well.


Who can train me on how to use the program?

A video demo of AdjustRite is available on . In addition, on-line demonstrations, with a highly qualified instructor are periodically made available. Please contact Customer Service (888) 774-0017 for the next available session.

Is there a Help screen?

The application does employ a Help function to assist with issues and questions that you may have when operating the system. Also, clicking on the blue question marks located on each screen will show you specific information.

What if I have a question when using the system?

AdjustRite features convenient Help screens to assist with learning the application and in answering any questions. A customer service center is also available to assist with pressing issues and problems. Contact the support team by phone at (888) 774-0017 (Monday - Friday) 8 AM to 5 PM Eastern Standard Time. You may also send an e-mail to the support team by using the following address:


How much time can I save with AdjustRite?

AdjustRite helps to streamline and organize your estimates. Using the system significantly decreases the total estimating and office processing time, including documenting, filing, and storing paperwork. Over the past several months, select PPG customers have tested AdjustRite in real-life estimating situations. In these cases, the actual time needed to develop and process estimates has been substantially reduced.

Can I use AdjustRite as a training tool at my facility?

AdjustRite can be used as a training tool to assist employees in your business with learning more about the estimating process.