Create a New Estimate


All estimates are created using this process. Once an estimate has been created it may be accessed by using the Estimate Search screens to find and then modify estimates.

The Estimate Tutorial demonstrates the creation of an estimate.


Detail Instructions

You may begin the creation of estimates from the Adjustrite Home page. Click on the AdjustRite logo, at the top left of your screen, if you are not already on the Home screen. Estimates can also be created from the Customer Maintenance screen and the Unit Maintenance screen.

Click on the "Create a new estimate" button. This is the second button down on the left side of the Home screen.

The estimate process consists of five screens. You need to enter information on the first four screens and the fifth will display a summary of the information for the estimate. The AdjustRite system will automatically take you through these screens in the correct order. Sometimes you want to go back to a previous screen because you forgot something or want to change what you entered in the first place. We have provided a simple navigation bar across the top of all estimate screens. You can use this navigation bar to easily move back and forth between the five screens of each estimate.

  1. Customer information for each estimate .
  2. Unit: information about the specific vehicle for each estimate .
  3. Rate Override lets you override the profile used for this estimate .
  4. Estimate detail screen contains all parts and labor for the estimate .
  5. Summary screen has totals by type of labor and parts with an estimate grand total .



Version 3.1.31