Repair Facility Search


Use this screen to search for existing repair facilities you have entered into AdjustRite.

You will use this screen when you are assigning repair facilities to a claim or when you are searching for repair facilities to change the data they contain.

Detail Instructions

You should use this screen under either one of two different circumstances:

  1. When you want to locate a repair facility to assign it to a claim.
  2. When you want to find an existing facility so you can update the information for that shop


Locating a Repair Facility to assign it to a claim.

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Use this feature when you want to assign a repair facility to an active claim. When you create a new claim it will be the active claim. You may also select an existing claim, in which case that claim will be the active claim. You will be unable to assign a repair facility if a claim is not active as the links will be disabled.

Select the Repair Facility link on the Home screen, Select the Repair Facility drop down menu or select the Repair Facility link on the menu to the left of most Claim screens to go to the Repair Facility Search screen.


Here is an example of the Repair Facility screen. You can either enter information here directly or use the Select Existing Repair Facility link to go to the search screen.


Here is an example of the Search screen as it appears when you are assigning a repair facility to a claim. Please note that when you double click on one of the repair facilities listed the information for that repair facility will be copied into the Repair Facility screen for the active claim. Clicking on the button will assign the repair facility to the claim and the appropriate information will appear on claim and estimate reports.

An alphabetical list of all your repair facilities will be displayed in the search grid when this window first opens.

Click on the column headings of the Repair Facility grid to change the sort order of the repair facilities. For example, if you click on the Postal Code column heading the repair facilities will be sorted by postal code (ZIP).

Double click on a repair facility to use it. Since you are assigning a repair facility to a claim, the information from this repair facility record will be copied to the Repair Facility screen for the claim.

Click on a repair facility and then click the Delete button to remove the repair facility. A message box will pop up to let you confirm you want to delete this repair facility. Make sure you want to remove a repair shop before you delete it. You may delete several facilities at the same time by clicking on them one at a time while holding down the "Ctrl" key or by clicking on first one, then pressing the "Shift" key before clicking on the last repair facility in a range to select several, and then clicking on the Delete button.

Several search boxes show on the top of the Repair Facility Search screen. You can enter your search criteria in these boxes to help you quickly find the repair facilities you need.

Click on the Search button and a list of repair facilities will show in the search grid based on the search criteria entered.

Click on the Clear button to clear all the search boxes and start with a fresh search screen.

  • Name: Enter all, or part of a repair facility name here. For example, if you enter "ABC" here the search will list repair facilities named both "ABC Truck Repair " and "ABC Heavy Equipment Works ".
  • Phone: You may enter any part of the phone number. For example, entering "503" in the first phone number field will list all repair facilities with a phone number area code of "503". You can further limit the list by entering the prefix and/ or the last four digits of the phone number. You may also enter the "1010" to list all repair facilities with "1010" in the last four digits of any of the phone numbers in that repair facility record.
  • City: All repair facilities with this city will be listed. If you enter "Springfield" here, both repair facilities in Springfield MO and Springfield OR will list.
  • State: You may select a state, or combination of states. To select more than one state, just click on one state, then hold down the "Ctrl" key while clicking on any other states. Repair facilities in all those states will then list when you click on Search.
  • Postal Code : Enter any part of the zip code. If you know the full 5+4 zip code you can use that for the search (providing the full 5+4) stored in the repair facility record.


Locating a Repair Facility when you want to make changes to that shop

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Use this feature when you want to make changes to an existing repair facility.

Select the Maintenance>Repair Facility>Search drop down menu to go to the Repair Facility Search screen.


Here is an example of the Search screen as it appears when you are searching for a repair facility to edit from the Maintenance menu. Please note that when you double click on one of the repair facilities listed you will go to the Repair Facility Maintenance screen with the data for that facility loaded.

An alphabetical list of all your repair facilities will be displayed in the search grid when this window first opens.

Click on the column headings of the Repair Facility grid to change the sort order of the repair facilities. For example, if you click on the Postal Code column heading the repair facilities will be sorted by postal code (ZIP).

Double click on a repair facility pull the information for that facility into the Repair Shop Maintenance screen where you can update any information for that shop.

Click on a repair facility and then click the Delete button to remove the repair facility. A message box will pop up to let you confirm you want to delete this repair facility. Make sure you want to remove a repair shop before you delete it. You may delete several facilities at the same time by clicking on them one at a time while holding down the "Ctrl" key or by clicking on first one, then pressing the "Shift" key before clicking on the last repair facility in a range to select several, and then clicking on the Delete button.

Several search boxes show on the top of the Repair Facility Search screen. You can enter your search criteria in these boxes to help you quickly find the repair facilities you need.

Click on the Search button and a list of repair facilities will show in the search grid based on the search criteria entered.

Click on the Clear button to clear all the search boxes and start with a fresh search screen.

  • Name: Enter all, or part of a repair facility name here. For example, if you enter "ABC" here the search will list repair facilities named both "ABC Truck Repair " and "ABC Heavy Equipment Works ".
  • Phone: You may enter any part of the phone number. For example, entering "503" in the first phone number field will list all repair facilities with a phone number area code of "503". You can further limit the list by entering the prefix and/ or the last four digits of the phone number. You may also enter the "1010" to list all repair facilities with "1010" in the last four digits of any of the phone numbers in that repair facility record.
  • City: All repair facilities with this city will be listed. If you enter "Springfield" here, both repair facilities in Springfield MO and Springfield OR will list.
  • State: You may select a state, or combination of states. To select more than one state, just click on one state, then hold down the "Ctrl" key while clicking on any other states. Repair facilities in all those states will then list when you click on Search.
  • Postal Code : Enter any part of the zip code. If you know the full 5+4 zip code you can use that for the search (providing the full 5+4) stored in the repair facility record.