Create an Estimate for a Claim


An estimate may be created for any claim.

The Rate Override screen must be confirmed and Saved before an estimate can be created.

Supplements can be created for locked estimates.

A separate Old Damage appraisal may be created which is separate from the claim estimate.


Detail Instructions

Estimates can be created from the Home screen or by using the Drop Down menus.

  • First, click on the Rate Override link (or select Rate Override from the claim/claim/estimate/rate profile dropdown menu) on the Home screen to go to the Rate Override screen. Confirm the correct rate profile is selected for this claim and make any changes appropriate for this claim. Click on the button when have confirmed the information on the Rate Override screen. You must save the Rate Override screen before you can create the estimate.
  • Second, click on the Estimate link on the Home screen, or select Claim/Claim/Estimate/Estimate from the DropDown menus. This will take you to the Estimate detail screen where you can enter an estimate for the claim.

The information on the Estimate screen can be accessed by all users assigned to this claim. This includes:

  • Claim Adjusters
  • Staff Appraisers
  • AdjustRite Pro Independent Adjusters
  • Preferred Shops

Estimates may be locked once they are complete. An estimate can no longer be changed after it has been locked, but can always be viewed by those with assigned access and supplements may be created for estimates with both the original estimate and supplement reports available to authorized users.

Click here for detail instructions for the estimate screen.