The AdjustRite Home screen is organized into the following main areas:
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The heading appears at the top of every page within AdjustRite. The heading behaves the same on all pages, and provides standard information and function across the entire AdjustRite system. The heading on the home screen
The AdjustRite logo is the image
to the top left of the page, on the left Edge of the Heading. Click on this logo, from any page, and you and you will go to the Home page. Of course, when you are already on the Home page, clicking on the logo will simply refresh the Home screen, since you are already there (with the exception of the help system, where clicking on the AdjustRite logo will take you to the table of contents for the help system)
A Title for each page displays to the immediate right of the AdjustRite logo. The title here is "Home".
All screens have a bar of drop down menus across the top of the heading. These menus give you access to all features of the AdjustRite system. All of these menus behave the same. Here are a few points to remember as you use the drop down menus in AdjustRite.
- Click on an item on the menu bar, to make the menu drop down. Once you have clicked on a drop down menu, other drop down menus will become active if you simply point at them. Click on one of the menu "headers" to turn off the "drop down" feature.
- Some menu items will have a black arrow beside them. These items have a sub-menu beneath them.
- Just point at, or click on, a menu item to make it display a sub-menu
- Menus items with no black arrow perform an action - just click on them to take the action.
Current user and Active facility info: On the bottom left portion of the heading you will see a section of text which identifies the current user (you) and the active facility. The active facility will always display in the heading, but can only be changed from the home screen.
The Facility tool appears below the heading on the left of the Home screen. This tool can be used to change which facility is currently active, and is only available on the Home screen. Each user on the system has a default facility which becomes active, when you log on. If you do work in more than one facility you can change which facility is active by clicking on the down arrow on the right side of the "Facility" box. When you logoff with a facility active, you will be logged back into that same facility the next time you login. Please talk to your company administrator if you don't see facilities showing here that you work in.
- When you create a new claim, it will be stored in your active facility.
- When you search for claims, you will see only those estimates which were created in the active facility.
- Each facility has it's own default profile, so your default profile will be different when you change your active facility.
There several links on the left side of the AdjustRite Home screen. Just click once on each of those links (or on the icon to the left of the link) to use Claim Monitor, Claims Search, create New Claim, Edit your default rate profile or Create a Field Worksheet.
Below these functions are four additional links, which are related to the Help system.
Common Tasks
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Each of the links in this section provide you with "one click" access to the tasks you will use the most often. While all of these tasks are available from the drop down menus at the top of the Heading this is often the quickest method for each task.
Claim Monitor will take you to the Claims Status screen, where you will see a table listing claims. Summary information will show for each claim and you may select any claim on the list by double clicking on the claim. Selecting a claim will make it "active", so that other functions selected from the Claim Links section of the Home screen will be performed on that claim.
Claim Search will take you to the Claim Search screen where your claims will be listed, with the most recent claims first. You can use the search criteria boxes at the top of the form to search for claims based on different types of information and to delete claims you don't want to keep. Select any claim in the list by double clicking on it. Selecting a claim will make it "active", so that other functions selected from the Claim Links section of the Home screen will be performed on that claim.
New Claim, will let you begin a new claim. This will take you to the Claim Assignment screen where you can begin entering claim information. Once you have created a new claim you will be able to perform other functions on that claim such as creating Equipment and Condition reports and Estimates. When you create a new claim that claim will be the "active" claim until you create another claim, select another claim or log off.
Edit your default rate profile, will let you change the rates and discounts for your active facility.
Create a Field Worksheet will let you create a printable worksheet for a vehicle. This handy reference will help you to create a new estimate for any of the vehicles in the AdjustRite database.
Help & Other Information
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These links provide "one click" access to features which will help you to use AdjustRite more effectively.
Help is a link to the table of contents for the help system. If you click instead on the
link (at the top right of the screen) you will display the help documentation specific to the current page.
Submit Feedback, will open a window where you can send a quick email message to
View Release Notes will display the release notes for the most recent software release. This will contain a list of the important changes made in AdjustRite with the most recent version.
View Available Units will display all of the vehicles available in the AdjustRite database. This is a quick method to see if a particular vehicle is in the database without creating an estimate. Custom parts lists will not show up here, as they are unique to your company.
Recent Claims
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This list provides "one click" access to the claims you have worked on most recently.
One you have started using AdjustRite you will see a list of the recent claims you have accessed to the right of the screen. This is a list of claims by user logon. This means that if one person logs in and and works on a claim for a customer named "ABC Truck Rentals" that user will see the claim for that customer at the top of this list the next time he or she logs in (in fact that claim will move to top of the list immediately). If another user logs in they will see the list of claims they have worked on recently. Clicking on the of the claims in this list will activate it, so that the user can do work on that specific claim. When another user logs on they will see a list of the most recent claims they have worked on. This provides a simple way for individual users to see and access the claims they have worked on most recently.
Claim Links
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In the middle of the home screen are a collection of short cut icons that can be used to provide "one click" access to various data entry screens for the currently active claim. Summary information about the "active" claim will display immediately below the heading and above the Claim Links. When no claim is active the message "No Active Claim" will display above the Claim Links and none of the links will be enabled.
The following Claim Links become enabled when a claim is either created, or selected from the Claim Monitor or Claim Search screens.
- Claim Assignment provides access to the basic claim information for each claim. This information is entered when the claim is first created, but can be modified at any time by authorized users using this link.
- Claim Adjuster permits the assignment of adjusters within your own office to the active claim. The Claim Adjuster can also be assigned on the Claim Assignment screen, but this link provides a quick method for authorized users to reassign claims.
- Staff Appraiser permits the assignment of appraisers within your own office to the active claim. The staff appraiser can also be assigned on the Claim Assignment screen, but this link provides a quick method for authorized users to reassign claims.
- Independent Adjuster permits the assignment of a claim to an Independent Adjuster. This link is only needed by insurance companies, so Independent Adjusters will not see it.
- Preferred Shop will take the user to the Preferred Shop screen. From that screen the user can select a preferred shop from existing Adjustrite Shops. Only those shops authorized using the AdjustRite Pro Management screen will be available for users to select. When a claim is assigned to an existing AdjustRite shop that shop will be able to directly create the Estimate for the claim created by the Independent Adjuster or Insurance company. It is important to note that either a Preferred Shop or a Repair Facility should be selected, but not both - if you select Repair Facility and then change your mind, just select a preferred shop and the assignment to the repair facility will clear automatically.
- Repair Facility will take the user to the Repair Facility screen where they can select a repair facility from a list of shops they have entered into their system. The user can also directly enter shop information on this screen and then save it in their shop database so it can be selected from the list the next time. Since these shops do not have access to the AdjustRite system they will not be able to create the estimate for this claim (an employee within your own office will need to create the estimate).
- Use Sublet lets you assign a sublet name and address to be used for for claim reports which are different than the name and address for your company facility in which the claim was created. Sublet addresses and logos can be entered under the Administration menu. This can be handy when a claim was created in one office but you want to show the name and address information for another office when printing reports for the claim. This link is only used by Independent Adjusters, so Insurance Companies will not see it.
- Estimate takes you to the detail estimate screen where you can create your own estimate for the active claim. If a claim is assigned to a preferred shop this link will let you view and edit the estimate created by the shop for the assigned claim. The Estimate link will not be enabled the rates have been saved for the estimate. If the estimate is created internally this is done by selecting the Rate Override link below and then saving the rate profile. If the claim has been assigned to a Preferred Shop the Estimate link will become enabled as soon as the shop has saved their own rate profile for the estimate.
- Rate Override takes you to the Rate Override screen. This screen must be completed before the Estimate can be completed. If you go to this screen yourself you will see your own default profile for your facility. If you assign a claim to a shop and they begin creation of the estimate themselves you will see their rates for this estimate when you go to this screen.
- Equipment and Condition lets you maintain information about the condition of the unit on which the claim has been made. You may either enter this information yourself, or if you are an insurance company you may assign the claim to an Independent Adjuster and let them complete the entry of this data.
- Old Damage Appraisals will take you to the Old Damage screen where you can enter an estimate for damage to the unit which existed prior to the current claim.
- Total Loss Evaluation will take you to the Total Loss Evaluation screen where you record total loss evaluation prices from selected dealers and create a report based on this information.
- Salvage Bids will take you to the Salvage Bids screen where you can send automated email requests for salvage bids to Salvage buyers. The automated emails contain a link which provides the salvage buyer with information about the condition of the vehicle, including damage photos and let them post a bid directly.
- File Notes will let you enter File Notes for the claim. The file notes entered by Independent Adjusters are included in the calculation of the Carrier Invoice (see below). Insurance users may enter their own file notes and view those notes entered by the independent Adjuster the claim is assigned to (but not change those notes). The file notes may also be printed.
- Carrier Invoice links to the Carrier Invoice screen where Independent Adjusters can prepare a carrier invoice. The hours, expenses and mileage entered in File Notes will automatically be rolled up for this screen. This link is only used by Independent Adjusters, so Insurance Companies will not see it.
- Upload Photos lets you upload damage photos for each claim. These photos can be included with estimates and with Salvage Bids. Damage photos uploaded by a shop are be available to the Independent Adjuster or Insurance company who created the claim.
- Closing Report links to the Closing Report screen, where you can generate a word document for the claim by using a combination of selecting content from checklists and manually entering and editing the document.
- Parts Order List links to the Parts Order List screen, where you can examine and edit a list of the parts needed to complete the repair based on the estimate which has been created. You may then view and print this report. Shops use the Parts Order list to obtain part prices for their estimates.
- Reports links to the Claim Reports screen. You can select the reports you want to include in a combined document. The reports may be displayed in three formats:
- Adobe PDF (portable document format):This format will combine all reports into a single file which can be easily saved, printed or emailed. PDF documents are very effective at displaying and printing in a consistent way on all compatible computers and can not be edited by those receiving them without special software. This is the preferred format for storing and transmitting reports.
- Microsoft Excel: This option will create an Excel spread sheet of each report selected. When you generate a report as an Excel document you will be able to use the report as a spreadsheet with full editing functions. This is very convenient when you want to make your own calculations based on the data on a report without first printing it and then creating a separate spreadsheet for doing analysis.
- Microsoft Word: This option will create a Word document of each report selected. When you generate a report as a Word document you will be able to easily edit and reformat the document as a standard word processing document. This is very convenient when you want to modify the standard format of a report.