The AdjustRite logo is the image
to the top left of the page, on the left Edge of the Heading. Click on this logo, from any page, and you and you will go to the Home page. Of course, when you are already on the Home page, clicking on the logo will simply refresh the Home screen, since you are already there.
The heading appears at the top of every page within AdjustRite. (with the exception of the help system, where clicking on the AdjustRite logo will take you to the table of contents). The heading behaves the same on all pages, and provides standard information and function accross the entire AdjustRite system.
A Title shows at the top of every page, within the heading. All pages will display a title, which matches the content of the page. The title here is "Home".
All screens have a bar of drop down menus across the top of the heading. These menus give you access to all features of the AdjustRite system. All of these menus behave the same. Here are a few points to remember as you use the drop down menus in AdjustRite.
- Click on an item on the menu bar, to make the menu drop down. Once you have clicked on a drop down menu, other drop down menus will become active if you simply point at them. Click on one of the menu "headers" to turn off the "drop down" feature.
- Some menu items will have a black arrow beside them. These items have a sub-menu beneath them.
- Point at, or click on, a menu item to make it display a submenu
- Menus items with no black arrow perform an action - click on them to take the action.
Current user and Active facility info: On the bottom left portion of the heading you will see a section of text which identifies the current user (you) and the active facility. The active facility will always display in the heading, but can only be changed from the home screen. AdjustRite also shows the number of unused estimates your company has - once this number reaches "0", you will not be able to create new estimates until your company. If nothing lists in the unused estimates portion of the header it means you have purchased the "1-Rate" plan which provides you with unlimited usage for one year.
A small Estimate "folder" will show on the bottom left edge of the heading, below the title, when an estimate is "active". Click on this folder if you want to go back inside the active estimate when you have gone to another screen (for example, the Home screen or one of the maintenance screens).
The Facility tool appears below the heading on the left of the Home screen. This tool can be used to change which facility is currently active, and is only available on the Home screen. Each user on the system has a default facility which becomes active, when you log on. If you do work in more than one facility you can change which facility is active by clicking on the down arrow on the right side of the "Facility" box. You may only change active facility from the Home page. Please talk to your company administrator if you don't see facilities showing here that you work in.
- When you create a new estimate it will be stored in your active facility.
- When you search for estimates you will see only those estimates, which were created in the active facility.
- Each facility has it's own default profile, so your default profile will be different when you change your active facility.
There several links on the left side of the AdjustRite Home page. Just click once on each of those links (or on the icon to the left of the link) to Search for existing estimates, Create new estimates, Edit your default rate profile or Create a Field Worksheet. If you are the company administrator, you will also see a link which can be used to purchase additional estimates. Below these functions are four additional links, which are related to the Help system.
Common Tasks
Search for an existing estimate will take you to the Estimate Search page where your estimates will be listed, with the most recent estimates first. You will have the option of using the Advanced Search button to search for estimates based on different types of information and to delete estimates you don't want to keep.
Create a new estimate, will let you make a new estimate. If you click this button and change your mind, just click on the AdjustRite logo to return to the home page. Your remaining estimates will not be affected until you start adding parts to the new estimate.
Edit your default rate profile, will let you change the rates and discounts for your active facility. Only those with responsibility for shop profiles will be able to change the information on this page.
Create a Field Worksheet will let you create a printable worksheet for a vehicle. This handy reference will help you to create a new estimate for any of the vehicles in the AdjustRite database.
Purchase additional estimates, will let you purchase additional AdjustRite estimates for your company. Only those with administrative responsibilities will be able to purchase additional estimates.
Help is a link to the table of contents for the help system. If you click instead on the
link (at the top right of the screen) you will display the help documentation specific to the current page.
Submit Feedback will open a window where you can send quick comments to AdjustRite.
Vew Release Notes will display the release notes for the most recent software release. This will contain a list of the important changes made in AdjustRite.
View Available Units will display all of the vehicles available in the AdjustRite database.
AdjustRite News
In the center of the screen is a section to show current AdjustRite News. You will see notices here when improvements have been made to AdjustRite programs or to the truck part data. These updates will help keep you up to date.
Recent Estimates
On the right of the screen are quick links to your most Recent Estimates. This lists the names of the customer for up to 15 of your most recent estimates. When you create a new estimate it will show up at the top of this list. When you search for an existing estimate and either change or look at at it, the estimate will move to the top of this list with the other most recent estimates pushed down the list. When you leave an estimate, the system will remember which screen you were on and will take you back to that same screen when you click on the estimate in the Recent Estimates list.