Create a New Estimate


All estimates are created using this process. Once an estimate has been created it may be accessed by using the Estimate Search screens to find and then modify estimates.

Select the Create a new Estimate link on the Home screen to begin a new estimate.

The Estimate Tutorial demonstrates the creation of an estimate.


Detail Instructions

Create a new estimate by clicking on the Create a new Estimate link on the Home screen. This link is the second item down on the left side of the Home screen. Estimates can also be created from any screen by selecting the Estimate menu from the top of the screen and then selecting Create New Estimate.

The estimate process consists of five screens. You may enter information on the first four screens and the fifth will display a summary of the information for the estimate. The AdjustRite system will automatically take you through these screens in the correct order. Sometimes you want to go back to a previous screen because you forgot something or want to change what you entered in the first place. We have provided a simple navigation bar across the top of all estimate screens. You can use this navigation bar to easily move back and forth between the five screens of each estimate. Other screens may also be used when creating estimates. Those screens are included in the workflow at the bottom of this document.

  1. Customer information for each estimate .
  2. Unit: information about the specific vehicle for each estimate .
  3. Rate Override lets you override the profile used for this estimate .
  4. Estimate detail screen contains all parts and labor for the estimate .
  5. Summary screen has totals by type of labor and parts with an estimate grand total .


Estimate Workflow will vary depending on your individual shop, but the following workflow will cover many (perhaps most) estimates created.

  1. Print a Field Worksheet for the damaged vehicle. Use this document to identify the parts that will be replaced and repaired on the unit. This document lists the parts for the vehicle in the same order as they appear in the Available Parts grid on the Estimate screen. This will simplify and speed the Estimate process.
  2. Begin a new estimate by clicking on the Create Estimate link or selecting Estimate from the menu at the top of the screen and selecting Create Estimate.
  3. Enter customer information, or select the Choose Existing Customer or Choose Existing Vehicle link if you think the unit is already in your database - this will automatically fill in the customer and unit data for your estimate. Save and go to the next step to move from the Customer screen to the Unit (Vehicle) screen and Rate Override screen.
  4. Make any rate changes which are appropriate for this estimate. These changes will be reflected on this estimate, but will not change the profile they were pulled from. You may also change the profile for this estimate from the Rate Override screen. Click on the Save and go to the next step link to continue to the Estimate screen.
  5. Enter your estimate detail. On the Estimate screen select the parts from the Available Parts List to Replace, Repair, R&I and LKQ. These parts will be added to the Selected Parts grid on the bottom of the Estimate screen.
  6. Add any manual parts you will need for this estimate. These are parts you need for the estimate which are not already included in the Available Parts List for the vehicle selected.
  7. Go to the Parts Order List screen by selecting the Estimate drop down menu and then selecting Parts Order list. Only the parts being replaced will show up in the Parts Order List grid. You may Add, Change and Delete rows from this screen, but the changes will not be reflected on the Estimate. Be sure to Save any changes you make on this screen. Click on the Reload button at any time to fill the grid with all the replaced parts from the estimate screen. Click on the View Report button to generate the printable parts order list. Fax this report to your dealer - the report has a place for them to enter prices for each part and fax it back to you.
  8. Enter the prices you receive back on your Parts Order List into the Selected Parts grid on the Estimate screen. These prices will be "remembered" by the system, so the next time you create an estimate using those same parts those prices will be displayed.
  9. Click on the Logic button on the Estimate screen. This will process all of the parts you have selected for this estimate and determine what should be added and changed in the estimate. Overlaps and included's will be calculated. When add-ons are optional you will see a popup list where you can check off those items.
  10. You many want to markup your prices. For example, if you entered your costs into the Selected Parts grid price column you will can enter a markup percentage and click on the MarkUp button (to the bottom left of the Selected Parts grid).
  11. Look at the Summary screen by clicking on the purple Summary button on the heading. Confirm the hours, rates, taxes and prices seem reasonable based on what you have entered for this estimate.
  12. Click on the Print Estimate link to see the printable estimate document. Print this estimate or save it as needed.
  13. Damage Photos may be attached to each estimate. Click on the Estimate menu on the top of the AdjustRite screen and then select Photos. The photos entered here will be stored with the estimate and can be printed with the estimate by selecting the Print Estimate with Photos link on the Summary screen or by selecting "Estimate /w Photos" from the Reports menu at the top of the screen.